Sunday, September 18, 2011

Get Your News in The North Palouse Washington eNewscast!

Contact: newstnpw [remove spaces] ~ or Phone: 509 291 3609.

Please scan your .pdf posters or flyers to create a .jpg [picture file] and send the .jpg as an attachment for publication.

This is your newspaper. Keep Palouse communities vibrant, alive and connected by sending the following:
  • News
  • Announcements
  • Stories - (people, places, things, history, anything of interest.)
  • Obituaries
  • Advertisements
  • Letters-to-the-Editor
  • NOTARY PUBLIC and FREE WiFi information welcome for the TOWN page. Please include town and address.
  • Business, organization, church and school addresses and contacts for appropriate pages.
  • Other: Contact me if you have questions.
Everything is published free, including advertisements.

Local and regional news should include Who, What, When (include date and time), Where (include street address AND town), and Why if appropriate.) *Palouse region only.
Pages where news will appear include:

Pages for information: ADS & SPECIALS, TOWNS,  SCHOOLS,   ORGANIZATIONS, and BUSINESSES. ** Please send updated information for any of the pages to help keep them current. Email to: newstnpw [remove spaces] @air-pipe.

Submissions may be lightly edited for grammar, space, etc.

*Google(R) blogger is one of many easy free ways to create a blog.
Google blogger,

Blog or webpage links are useful to promote your organization, business, or share viewpoints in positive ways to your town and area residents. Include the TITLE and URL link to your blog. Request help if you need it and I'll reply ASAP. Blogs reflect the north Palouse region's image. Blog responsibly.
Requirements and restrictions:
  • Each business, organization or person may create and maintain a blog in which to submit news, viewpoints, advertisements, or comments, and the individual or business blog-owner will be legally responsible for its contents.
  • Advertisement-blogs are only accepted from a resident, organization or businesses in the Palouse Washington region.
  • Pornography ~~and any blog that contains a link to any pornography ~~ is prohibited.
  • Contributors under the age of 18 must include their age in a submission.
  • Outdated information on your websites and/or blogs diminishes the reputation of you, the owner. Check your websites and blogs frequently.
Opinions, concerns, and viewpoints will only be published and will only be accepted from residents of the Palouse region, or from visitors to the region, and must be signed. At the Editor's discretion, links to your blog may or may not be published in LETTERS-TO-THE-EDITOR. 

In the Subject line put, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Contributors under the age of 18 must include their age. The author is solely responsible for all content in their letter. THE NORTH PALOUSE WASHINGTON e-Newcast assumes no responsibility and will not be held liable. *See TERMS OF USE.

Double check your submission to be sure you have included who, what, where (include street address and town), and when (date and time) about upcoming events in the Palouse Washington region, and in your advertisement. 

Thanks and have a great day,

Mona Leeson Vanek, Editor

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